Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Natalia's 33rd Birthday is Coming!

October is HERE!  That means its time to do our traditional Service for Natalia for her birthday!!!

We invite all those who knew and loved her to join us!  Simply comment below to report your service!  DO THIS BY CLICKING ON __COMMENTS BELOW!  We would love to know what you did in her honor, but understand if it is to personal.  In that case, just write "1 act of service."

On October 15th we will take the total number of acts of service and display it up by her grave.
(Her real birthday is October 16th!) Since Natalia would be turning 33 this year, let set a goal to get 330 acts of service!!!  Thanks for helping us celebrate Natalia's life by the way she lived her life.

If you want ideas of service, look below, or check out this old blog post here


  1. Babysat for local mamas so they could exercise. :)

  2. Filled a Christmas stocking for a boy age 6-11 yrs old.

  3. -Watched a neighbors kids for 3 hours.
    -Gave my husband a listening ear, although I felt in a hurry.
    -Sent a friend a message of appreciation.
    -Took 2 families Conference Bingo’s and a bag of M&M’s to help them enjoy their conference weekend a little more!
    -One more RAK

  4. I did 2 acts (fixed dinner fer sick friends)
    -Aunt Mary

  5. 5 acts of service with Natalia in our hearts. More to come. -Mandy

  6. 3 acts of service honoring Natalia. You are in our hearts and prayers.

  7. I've done 2 acts for Natalia -Amanda Hanks

  8. I shared this wonderful quote with a friend(who loves tennis and is a special Ed teacher)who had a rough day. -Amanda Pettijohn

  9. -Gave 2 parking attendants treats! One was so excited and exclaimed that it was her birthday!!! The other one was so shocked and happy!!
    -Gave people the benefit of the doubt who I really wanted to judge… just like Natalia would have!
    -Made 2 special deliveries

  10. -Babysat for a friend
    -Took my mom to a movie
    -Donated money to our school's Fall Festival fundraiser
    -Did my daughter's chores for her
    -Stopped folding clothes and played Radiator Springs with my son
    -gave encouraging words to an overwhelmed new mom
    Julie Checketts

  11. Made dinner for my family! -Amanda Pettijohn

  12. -2 acts of anonymous service
    -Watched my friends 2 kids
    -made 2 special deliveries
    -sent a thoughtful text to a friend
    -Gathered items for the homeless shelter, took time to visit with a friend

  13. I have done 33 acts of service for Natalia, one for each year she would be. Some of them I have been able to do anonymously, others I have done in person which makes it hard to be anonymous! : ) There are still 4 more days and I am not going to stop because Natalia has not stopped serving either!

  14. I can't believe it is mine and Natalia's 33rd birthday this year! Where has the time gone? Seems like just a few short years ago that we were playing "house", making scrapbooks out of magazines, playing in our cardboard clubhouse, riding our bikes pretending they were real cars, playing Nintendo, having sleepovers in her waterbed..... so many good memories. I often think of Natalia and how she would handle situations that I am in. Just yesterday, she was a part of my YW lesson.
    Between me, Matt, and our boys, we completed 15 acts of service in the past couple of weeks. Some of which include: donating items to the Road Home, giving a dessert recipe to a stranger that wanted it, gave cookies to neighbors that had given service to us, watching a chick flick with my husband (I totally remember watching "You've Got Mail" with Natalia!!!), trying to smile at everyone, especially elderly, and my boys probably do even better at this than I do, my boys held the door open for me at church on Sunday, as well as for several other people, and Matt took a coworker to lunch after his grandmother had passed away.
    We hope these acts of service will help us be more like Natalia. We love you, Natalia, and miss you! Happy, happy Birthday! Thank you for doing this, Camille.

  15. We took dinner to a friend this week!

  16. Six acts of service specifically with Natalia in mind so far this month.

    Babysat so a couple could help grant a Make-a-Wish wish
    Babysat for a football game
    Helped with kids during sacrament meeting
    Wrote 2 thank-you notes
    Had lunch with a student

  17. Did some of my girls chores for them for the week. That can count for at least 5 acts of service. Love both you and Natalia

  18. 5 acts of service!
    -Thompson Family

  19. 4 acts of service!
    -Parker (serving a mission in Malaysia!)

  20. I took a picture for someone at the Football game last Saturday and then told them about Natalia!
    -Julie Checketts

  21. 11 people donated items/money to The Road Home in Salt Lake City.

  22. 10 acts of service

    Cinnamon rolls for 2 neighbors

    Sat with sister while her house was apraized

    Serve in the Temple me

    Serve in the temple hubby

    Rake up tree clippings

    Cut and haul sucker branches

    Pull weeds

    Help out in Madies classroom

    Swaped mother helping day with another mom so she could go on a field trip with her other child.

  23. Uncle Cliff and Aunt JoyceOctober 13, 2015 at 8:10 PM

    Thank you for allowing us to be a part of "Service for Natalia".
    13 acts of service

    Tended grandsons so Mom could go to the dentist

    Visited new neighbors with a housewarming gift

    Tended grandson so parents could go on a date

    Took a loaf of bread to an elderly shut-in couple

    Took granddaughter to work ( x 2)

    Donated gift card and items to Road Home

    Made banana bread for daughter

    Took grandsons to their baseball games ( x 2)

    Picked up grandsons from school to practice baseball

    Spent day in Logan helping Dad with his yard ( x 2)

  24. I did 10 acts of service plus donated $20 to the Road Home Shelter.
    -Tennille Michaelis

  25. 2 acts of service
    -Kaylin Spencer

  26. *Invited Natalia's boys for a sleepover
    *Read with Natalia's boys
    *Took Grandkids to Museum of Ancient Life
    *Delivered Apples to Neighbors
    *Read to Natalia's niece and Nephew
    *Gave a neighbor a ride to work
    *Volunteered in Natalia's boys classroom
    *Helped Natalia's boys with homework
    *Planned and carried out pumpkin decorating for 7 little girls
    *Served lunch to 80 Senior Citizens
    *Made Natalia's husband his favorite soup
    *Gave Apple pudding to neighbors
    *Donated towels and blanket to Road Home
    *Bought Natalia's sister lunch
    *Took a friend for a pamper day
    *Bought a baby doll (Natalia's favorite toy ever) to donate to a little girl

  27. Gene and I have done 17 acts of service in Natalia's name besides the one I reported earlier. Love to do this!!
    -Myrna Jorgensen

  28. I can report doing 2 services for her this week, and hope to get in a few more!

    Add 1 for Michaela, Lissy, Mason, Matt, and 2 for Logan as well.
    -Heather Christiansen

  29. Helped a friend alter a dress for a wedding, sent thank you cards to teachers, took cookies to the neighbors, donated new clothing to a clothing drive at the kids school, helped clean the in-laws house, babysat for a family, worked on an extra project for the people I serve in my calling.

  30. I don't know if I am too late but you can count 9 acts of service for our family. We went around our neighborhood and picked up trash. I fixed the chain of a toilet at a gas station so it could flush. :) Steve helped Mary work on her Faith in God, I helped Grant with his Cub Scouts and Emma prepared and gave a lesson on service for FHE. We talked about Natalia in FHE and the kids were really excited to do service in honor of her.
    -Katherine and Steve Garner

  31. 3 more acts of kindness!
    -Britt Thompson Family

  32. Helped a friend who is undergoing breast cancer clean her home.
    -Tiffany Laing

  33. 8 acts of service.
    -Chris Jackson

  34. 6 acts of service from our family. That includes Kenz and Tyler too! Love ya!
    -Karen Smith

  35. I did my service!!!!��and thought of Natalia the whole time!
    -Marylin Romrell

  36. Verna Rae did a great service taking us to my surgery etc!
    -Mary Bateman

  37. -Did the dishes for my wife
    -Made the bed for my wife
    -Gave 2 neighbor kids a treat
    -Took treat to co-worker
    -Helped an 80 year old women who was lost in the hospital for 20 minutes.
    -Helped a women carry a HUGE bag of potatoes to where she needed them
    -Took two plates of cookies to neighbors and visited with them.
    -Jeremy Rogers

  38. Boston
    -took a basketball that rolled down the street back up to the little boy it belonged to.
    -made and took a craft/treat to his scout leader

    -made a craft/treat to his favorite neighbors!

    -made a craft/treat and took it to her teacher
    - got Cambridge his blanky to make him happy

  39. 16 people donated to The Road Home

  40. Total acts of service so far 328!!!!!

  41. I switched shifts so a coworker didn't have to work on her birthday :)

  42. I traded babysitting with a friend.

  43. I went to the temple. So did my mom and sister. We all thought of Natalia while we were there.

  44. Acts of service for Natalia:
    -made smores with my family
    -visited with a friend even though i felt much too busy for it and shared this service for Natalia.
    -brought cookies to 4 neighbors
    -Wrote a thank you note to a sister after her sacrament meeting talk on love.
    -Brought dinner into a family in need.
    -4 other RAK
    We love you Natalia!!! (and the whole Garner family!!!!)

  45. 6 more people brought more donations for The Road Home

  46. Thinking about you guys and Natalia today. Love you! 5 RAOK for me to count for your project. Love Melanie Willis

  47. Richard & I have been helping friends and neighbors all week. We love the services done in memory of Natalia. Richard and Kip Armatage

  48. It's not a big service but a lady in our ward has trouble getting off her couch, so another brother and I took in some cinder blocks and raised her coach on it so she can get off of it more easily. My service for Natalia. When she and Trevor were kids they were so cute together. I hated to see them grow up. We loved and miss Natalia. Thanks for keeping her alive in our hearts. Merrill Moon

  49. Mark us down for a few acts of sevice, we sent a few" boxes of sunshine "in the mail with a thank you and some encouraging words for someone who was down. My boys loved coloring all over the box in yellow crayon while I explained to them the importance of service. I shed a tear of thanks to you for doing this, your sweet sister and my sweet 4 year old who exclamed "im pretty sure this would make Jesus happy!" Thanks for the reminder to get our monthly service done in the name of such a sweet soul. Heather Gines

  50. I know it's late, but I wanted to add one more act of service today. I just hired a new team lead and though she already had a lot on her plate she accepted the position. She's been busy and thrown into a brand new situation and became a bit overwhelmed. Today I got her a bouquet of flowers and a thank you note signed by myself and all the other managers and coworkers that really believe in her. I think it made her day and it made mine too -Lisa Nicole Jameson

  51. Will you add an act of service for me. Her spirit is so strong. -Treva Bunn

  52. Please add two more acts of service for Gene and me.
    And I did a personal thank you. I thanked the man who plows the snow in our subdivision in the winter. He does such a great job and I can get out and about in the winter.-Aunt Myrna

  53. Happy Birthday Natalia. I am SURE she has hand-written a note expressing gratitude for the way you honor and celebrate her life. What a beautiful reunion you'll have some day. Until then, I hope you find peace, love, and joy in serving others and inspiring others to serve. I can't remember my google account anymore, so I can't comment on the blog, but I've done a few things this week. -Kristie Jolley

  54. I did 4 acts of service before my surgery, and am writing 2 thank-you notes to friends today! Aunt Mary

  55. -Made my kids beds
    -Watched a little boy for a neighbor
    -went to lunch with a friend
    -left a bigger then normal tip
    -left a treat in the mail box for the mail person
    -visited a friend at her new home
    -had the new neighbors kids over to play.
    -Made a print for a friend
    -watched my friends 3 kids
    -payed our babysitter a little extra!
    -reached out to an old friend!
    -visited Jeremy’s brother and gave him some bread
    - Took time to visit with a neighbor
    -went and sat at my friends house late at night so her husband could go pick her up from the airport without waking up all the kids!
    -Delivered donations to the homeless shelter!
    -2 RAK
    -Wrote 2 thank yous
    -Wrote 2 thinking of you’s!!!
    -Surprised Natalia's boys with Jazz Tickets
    -Took Dinner to a neighbor
    -took a baby gift over to a neighbor who just had a baby
    -let a gentlemen go in front of me in line
    -1 RAK
    -took cookies out to 2 neighbors who were chatting
    -Watched my friends kids
    -watched another friends kids
    -Complemented a stranger
    -helped a little girl at trafalga
    -held the door of the bathroom so a lady could get her big stroller out
    -took Natalia’s boys to Trafalga
    -gave Natalia’s boys and my kids Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream! Her favorite!!
    -took Natalia’s boys to Pumpkinland and the movies
    -Roasted Hot Dogs and Smores with Natalia’s Boys!! Reminded them that she served Smores at her reception!
    -Watched my friends kids

  56. 372 acts of service so far!!!

  57. Me, Logan, Mason, Boston, and Hadley helped lay our neighbors sod.

  58. Logan babysat Cambridge while we finished laying the sod.

  59. Helped a friend with work issues.

  60. 3 more services!
    -Stephanie Garner

  61. 392 Acts of Service! Amazing!!!!!

  62. 8 more people donated to The Road Home

  63. 400 ACTS OF SERVICE!!!!!!!
