Sunday, October 1, 2023

Natalia's 41st Birthday is Coming Up!

October 1st is a special day because it marks the beginning of Service For Natalia, leading up to her birthday on October 16th.  

Each year we try to get as many acts of service for how old she is, plus a zero.  So this year our goal is 410 acts of service in her memory.

This year, we encourage you to pray to know what service is needed in your circle of influence.  Be led by the spirit to know the who, what, and when. 

You can report your service here on the blog, or on social media using the hashtag #servicefornatalia, or message me on Facebook or Instagram.  Whatever is easiest for you.

 As a family we love to know the wonderful things done in her memory, but also understand if you want it to remain anonymous.  

Now lets spend the next 16 days making the world a better place, by serving like Natalia.  

We love and miss you so much Natalia!


  1. 6 acts of service done! We love you

  2. 4 acts of service. Prepared for winter for a lovely friend.

  3. Donate 18 hats for charity! Took my nephews to ballgame and spent time with them.

  4. 8 acts of service done! Thank you for the opportunity, and we love you!

  5. 10 acts of service done. Thanks.

  6. 12 acts of service so far! Love you!

  7. 26 acts of service including baking cookies for someone, cleaning my sister’s kitchen, listening to someone having a hard time, and more.

  8. Put me down for 4 acts of service

  9. 12 acts this weekend!

  10. 14 acts of service done! ✅

  11. Did 5 acts of service

  12. Yay, love doing this for our beautiful Natalia! I miss her. Put us down for 36 acts of service so far. Love you!

  13. ✅ Put us down for 42 acts! I've thought of Natalia all day. ❤️

  14. Anonymous shared produce with friends.

  15. Please mark us down for 27 acts of service. Love your family and have been thinking of Natalia today!

  16. 2 acts of service today. I miss Natalia❤️
