Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Service for Natalia's 42nd Birthday

It's that special time of year again!  October is a special month in our family as we remember Natalia's birthday!  This year she would be turning 42.  Crazy to think about.  
From now until her birthday on October 16th, we invite you to join us in doing acts of service in her memory.  Each year for our goal, we add a zero to how old she would be turning.  So this year our goal is 420 acts of service done in her memory.  

How can you help?  
1- Lift where you stand.  Find a way to serve those around you, the organizations near you, or the causes that you feel passionate about.  Let the spirit be your guide.  

2- Help out one of our favorite organizations in Utah called Hearts Knit Together.  They recently experienced a flood, and have moved to a new location in North Salt Lake.  They are ready to rebuild their stock.  Their mission is to "show love and support for those seeking comfort and refuge in our local communities from violence and conflict."  As you may know, Natalia was VERY passionate about her sports teams.  BYU and the Utah Jazz.  One need they have is Sports balls.  (Soccer balls, volleyballs, basketballs, and footballs) They are also looking for handmade hats for youth/teens and a hat/scarf set for women.  They are also in need of baby girl clothes size 6-9 months, and socks for boys and girls size 9-24 months.  You can drop donations off at my Mom's house in Woods Cross (Doris Garner)  Or you can send donations straight to Hearts Knit Together through their Walmart wish list, or Amazon wish list.

3- Fill a need in Colorado!   A Pediatric office in Aurora that a neighbor works at, has a lot of recent immigrants from Colombia and Venezuela that they are trying to help out.  They are in huge need of new or gently used coats (sizes newborn to teens), new car seats, new or used booster seats, bike helmets, children's books, and toiletries.  As you may know, Natalia LOVED riding her bike, and had a love for babies and children that was unmatched.  I will be collecting donations at my house if your local, or you can send them to my house via amazon or Walmart. Or Venmo me @JCRogers6 and I will shop for you!      

I am always amazed every year at the big impact we can make.  When everyone does a little, it can really make such a difference!  Please report your service so we can add it to our count.  You can do that here on the blog in the comments, message me on Facebook, Instagram, text, email, whatever is easiest for you!   

So let us make the world a better place, and serve like Natalia. 

Happy 41st Birthday Natalia

827 Acts of service done in your memory.

We love and miss you everyday.

Your boys are amazing young men.  I am sure you are so proud of them. 

Happy Birthday Natalia.


Sunday, October 1, 2023

Natalia's 41st Birthday is Coming Up!

October 1st is a special day because it marks the beginning of Service For Natalia, leading up to her birthday on October 16th.  

Each year we try to get as many acts of service for how old she is, plus a zero.  So this year our goal is 410 acts of service in her memory.

This year, we encourage you to pray to know what service is needed in your circle of influence.  Be led by the spirit to know the who, what, and when. 

You can report your service here on the blog, or on social media using the hashtag #servicefornatalia, or message me on Facebook or Instagram.  Whatever is easiest for you.

 As a family we love to know the wonderful things done in her memory, but also understand if you want it to remain anonymous.  

Now lets spend the next 16 days making the world a better place, by serving like Natalia.  

We love and miss you so much Natalia!

Natalia's 40th Birthday

As always, our family is truly humbled by all the service given in Natalia's memory.  It means so much to us that her memory lives on. Over 400+ acts of service were done in her memory for her 40th birthday!  Thank you cards were written, temple service was done, games were played, treats were delivered, compliments given, smiles were shared, books were read, the elderly were visited, people were forgiven, and many more random acts of kindness.  The world is a better place because of Natalia.

Natalia's husband Matt and her boys Mason and Logan.

We love you Talia!!

Friday, September 30, 2022

Service for Natalia's 40th Birthday

This year for service for Natalia we decided to focus on service of the heart and time.  Service that doesn't cost a dime, but means so much.  Because it is her 40th birthday we have set the goal high!  We are hoping to achieve;
40 people to hand write a thank you note

40 people to serve in the temple

40 people playing a game with a child

40 people delivering a treat to a neighbor 

40 people to forgive someone 

40 people to give a sincere compliment to someone 

40 people to smile at someone who looks sad

40 people to read a book to child

40 people to visit an elderly person

and 40 people to do a random act of kindness 

All things Natalia did.

When you complete a service click on the link to let us know! Choose one, two, or all 10!

We have from October 1st to October 15th to complete it! (October 16th is her real birthday!)

Happy 39th Birthday Natalia!

426 acts of service were done in memory of Natalia.  
Including a huge donation to Heart Knit Together
We were able to go to @hearts_knit_together and give them all of the kind donations, for which they were so thankful!! We were able to take a tour and were completely touched by this amazing organization. No one is paid. Everyone is a volunteer. Everything is donated. And every gift they give out, has a card testifying of God’s love for that individual. The way the organization started, the way it operates, and the spirit that’s there were so touching. So grateful we could do this in Natalia’s Memory. Visit their website. So many ways to help. Projects for youth service activities, Relief Society activities, etc… and many ways to donate.
Thanks for helping us make another year of service for Natalia so successful! 

Friday, October 1, 2021

Service for Natalia- Her 39th Birthday

October is HERE!   That means its time to do our traditional Service for Natalia for her birthday!!!  She would have been turning 39 years old. 

We invite all those who knew and loved her to join us!  Simply comment below to report your service!  Or share your service on social media with the hashtag #servicefornatalia.  We would love to know what you did in her honor, but understand if it is to personal.  In that case, just comment "1 act of service."

If you desire, you are welcome to join our family in donating to Hearts Knit Together, which is run by 100% volunteers.  "Hearts Knit Together is a non-profit organization that delivers much needed personal items to those escaping domestic violence, sexual abuse, or war. Our volunteers collect, craft, and assemble these kits which include hygiene items, toys, games, puzzles, clothing and stuffed animals for the children. These kits are distributed through Domestic Violence Shelters, victim support centers, and refugee organizations, to children and adults across the state of Utah. Our mission is to offer joy and order in the lives of those in our community who need it the most."

There high needs items right now are;
- Underwear boys 5-14, girls 6-8, 14-16
- Children’s 3 in 1 hygiene (Shampoo, conditioner, body wash)
- NBA Basketballs (Natalia was Obsessed with the Utah Jazz!!)
- Yarn & Baby yarn
- Board Games for 5-8 year olds (Natalia LOVED playing board games!)
- Baby Clothing size 12 months (Natalia LOVED babies!!)
- Children’s Toothbrushes
- Teenage Jewelry
- Small & Medium Sized Black Bears (Natalia collected Bears!)
- Bar Soap

Camille and Doris will collect donations at their houses.  Of if you would rather skip the shopping, you can Venmo @JCRogers6 and we will shop for you!   Or you can simply buy something from our Amazon Wish List and it will ship to Camille's house.  

On October 16th (Natalia's Birthday!) we will take the total number of acts of service and display it up by her grave.  Our goal is 300 acts of service!  Thanks for helping us celebrate Natalia's life, by the way she lived her life.

If you want ideas of service Natalia would have done click HERE or HERE!

Also check out what service opportunities are in your local area by going HERE!

Have fun, and let's SERVE FOR NATALIA!